Ariel Anderssen

Did you know Ariel Anderson is THEEE Amelia Jane Rutherford? Find out why she chose this specific last name. Oh, such a naughty reason! 

Like many of us, Ariel was raised to feel ashamed, and also thought she needed to repress her spanking desires. However, she was fortunate to discover the wonderful world of bondage modeling and the adventures of spanking videos! How did she resolve this inner conflict?

She is a published author as well! But you’ll have to join us and listen to find out her book title as well as the book’s unique subject matter. 

Such a fun interview of a brilliant individual!  We were uber excited that Ariel Anderssen agreed to spend an evening with the Spanko! Podcast on her visit over from the U.K. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

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Shaylah elegantly gives us extremely articulate advice for tops who are disciplinarians; beyond the “funishment” mindset, punishments for real-life offenses. **Swoon** scold-y spankings with  controlled, loving, aggression – stern and firm. 

Definitely check out this episode if discipline is your thing. It doesn’t matter if you’re new or experienced with spanking, she provides great information! 

What was Shaylah’s first foray into spanking? What has she learned about consent since then?  We hope our listeners practice consent and if you need a reminder, here is a link to one of the many episodes where we discuss Consent.  

Shaylah is a girl, she is a brat, she is a writer, she is trans, and she identifies as a spanking facilitator – all the brats now have a new term of defense! 

Now, don’t feel bad if you’re not ready to be the spanker or spankee of trans women. However, please be respectful of their identities. Don’t be an asshole, or you’ll have allies to answer to! 

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Author JJ Rose

The podcast crew at Lone Star 2022 got a chance to interview realistic erotica author JJ Rose. Today, March 31st the sequel to his book, Weekend Plans, releases: Switching Plans. If you ever read a choose-your-own-adventure book, a spanking story, or even simply enjoy reading, please support him and check out this exciting new release. 

Get to know JJ Rose as we interview him and he answers all the questions the podcasters throw at him. 

If you’re in the Atlanta area you might have heard of GASP – he’s the party organizer. Hopefully we’ll all get a chance to attend the National spanking event that’s in the works.

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Getting to Know Clarine Klein

Just as Clarine Klein’s audio book “Stuck in Her Teens” has been released, join the Spankoholics as we interview Miss Klein.

She’s fun for real for real, like even in IRL, and not just her amazingly relatable characters.

She’s so cool, she’s even made a digital counting paddle, which she’s said we are welcome to try it out next time we see her at an event. *excited teenage girl scream*

Immerse yourself in her books as you are taken back to the 90s. Neopets anyone?
