Kink-Affirming Therapist

Join us as we talk with JoJo Shenanigans, a brat, spanko, kink-affirming therapist, and life coach.  She describes her spanko spark, and how she came into the spanko scene to explore her interests. 

She shares tips on handling how *YOUR* story (culture, religion, upbringing) impacts your spanking interests. JoJo shares how you can navigate and understand your kink, and process  your thoughts with a therapist in order to thrive. 

She encourages us to be kind to ourselves, give ourselves space to learn and deal with topics such as shame, overcoming views from upbring and religion. Let’s face it, growing and learning to love yourself without shame IS A PROCESS… a process worth experiencing for your own well being. 

Listen as we explore questions to ask yourself in order to understand yourself and your needs in the scene and dynamics. Knowing that there are lots of different kink and spanko flavors. 

It’s your spanko story, make it the best one you can. 

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A cartoon of the US Capitol Building with a comic text bubble stating "Impact Play"

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Impact Play with Mr. Ben

Impact Play!? **Gasp!?** Some Spankos will cringe upon hearing spanking being referred to as “impact play.”

However, do you remember looking up “Spanking” in the dictionary? 

to strike especially on the buttocks with the open hand. 

We are literally having buttocks struck – causing impact – with either the hand or some sort of implement. 

“But it’s spanking! Stop ruining the sanctity of *my* fantasy.”


Join us as Mr. Ben shares with us his knowledge on what we as the Spanko- purist can learn from the BDSM community as far as communication and  consent. 

We can still learn and do better as a community as a whole. We owe ourselves this. A top is allowing themselves to strike another individual – pretty much assault – unless the receiver has consented. 

We hope this episode will leave an impact!

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Miss Rose

It’s Ass-Bustin’ Time! 

A warrior. An artisan. 

Miss Rose Paddles are well-known throughout the spanking community. From her exotic woods to her expert craftsmanship, her implements are a real show-piece in any collection. 

Now, join the Spankoholics as we get to know the woman behind the world-renowned legend. How did she get her start? What gives her paddles their amazing reputation? What are her favorite paddles? What advice does she have for people in the scene? Advice for women and fellow warriors like herself?  

Listen as we get to know the amazing woman, warrior, and artisan as she shares about her craftsmanship, her battle with breast cancer, and her love for the Spanking and BDSM communities.

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