School Role Plays at GASP

Teachers, Principals, Fraternity & Sorority Hazing: What is it about school role plays that spankos find so fascinating? 

We sat down (some of us more comfortably than others) after doing many different school-themed role plays at GASP 2024 and talked with some of the participants (on both sides of the paddle) to find out! 

We discuss all aspects of the school events, from organization and planning, to playing the principal and the naughty sorority pledge. While, of course, we each have our own personal reasons for enjoying school-themed play, you’ll be amazed at how much we have in common. 

If you haven’t tried a school role-play yourself, perhaps this episode may pique your interest, or kindle some new ideas! 

Is that the school bell I hear? You’d best behave!

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GASP 2025

All right, Spankos! GASP 2025 registration is here! It’s been here! So listen up to hear NotSoKnotty and Listener’s invite to join in Atlanta, GA on March 20-24th 2025. 

We’ve seen posts asking about the theme. I would say drumroll… However you’re just going to have to listen and find out. 

Are you ready to be included at GASP 2025? (Because did you know that you’re welcome, whether you’re trans, straight, and or even cisgendered? *GASP*)

They have:

  • blanket forts for Littles 
  • A principal’s office for naughty students 
  • Immersive school events 
  • Spanking Court
  • A dungeon – run by a local BDSM group
  • classes which you can attend to learn and grow
  • And of course all the spanking friends you could possibly hope to meet.

All of this put forth by chaos gremlin spankos as well as type-A organizer tops.

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Getting to Know Princess Kelley May

We had a great time at GASP 2024 and finally got to meet and interview Princess Kelley May – whom you might also know as Miss Kelley May. 

“We are all grown ass adults.” Find out how Princess Kelley May went through her spanko journey and discovered she did not need to break herself in order to keep being rescued or saved. 

Enjoy listening as this Princess shares her first spanking experience. She continues to share some of her experiences in the scene, and what led her to become a professional in the spanking world. 

Learn about the struggles of thinking a sound spanking will set you on the straight and narrow and magically have you do what you’re supposed to be doing. Did you also think you’d be responsible if you could just get a spanking? Sorry to burst your fantasy bubble… although fantasies do have their place in our community!

We encourage you to have fun with spanking! Yes, spanking might help rectify one’s behavior but one might need to figure out strategies that might actually be beneficial in making change and progress. 

We are all strong and capable adults here, whether we identify as a miss, a princess, or anything else!


*We apologize for the audio quality, there was a computer issue that occurred during recording which was not noticeable until editing. (It gets better as you listen.)


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GASP 2024 Before & After

Join us on our road trip to GASP 2024! Recorded in the car on our way, we discuss everything we hope to experience at this brand new national spanking party! What are we most excited for? Is it better to go with a plan or to be spontaneous? 

Then, in the 2nd half, we’re back in the car reminiscing about our experiences on our way home. What were our favorite parts? Did our plans work out? And what are we most looking forward to happening again?

We had a blast and can’t wait for you to hear about all of our expectations and whether or not the party lived up to them (they did, and then some!). And you never know who may get spanked in the car on our travels!

You’ll be hearing a lot more about GASP in some upcoming episodes, so stay tuned!

If you’re curious about GASP, or interested in tickets for their 2025 party, check out their website at for more information!

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Ehlane & Sir T

Meet Ehlane and Sir T, an adorable couple from Scandinavia. They join us to discuss their first American spanking party at Lone Star 2023. 

Listen as they recall some of their favorite activities at the party including British Discipline, the Workshops, the Female/female event, and judicial spankings. But more importantly, they recall how kind everyone was! The Lone Star Spanking Party made such an impact they will definitely be back next year! 

What is the spanking scene in Sweden like? We have some exclusive inside information to share! Just kidding, but they do tell us about it.

How did this adorable couple meet? This story is even cuter than they are! 

(And speaking of cute, yes, that’s them in the photo.)


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