3 Year Anniversary
The Spanko!Podcast turns Three!
And to celebrate this, we are joined by our biggest fan, Sarah, aka Birdie.
(Seriously, she’s heard our podcast more than we have… and we edit.)
Sarah shares with us how she discovered us and her interest in spanking, how helpful it was to have listened to our Podcast before attending spanking events, and how fortunate she feels to have veteran spankos with which to discuss her spanking needs.
We’re so glad to have become a part of her journey and helped her grow as a spanko. For example: it took us, Spanko Bottoms, years to realize, “I don’t need a punishment spanking; sometimes I just want attention and a stress relief spanking.” She learns so much faster than some of us!
Do you know how to communicate your needs as a bottom… without being an obnoxious brat? Have you learned to set boundaries as a Top in your spanking relationships? We’re happy to have an outlet to share some insights from our own developmental adventures and silly antics along the way. But, in our experience, we are still learning and growing ourselves!
Thank you for joining us over the past 3 years! There’s lots more to come. We appreciate all your support along this journey!