Ariel Anderssen

Did you know Ariel Anderson is THEEE Amelia Jane Rutherford? Find out why she chose this specific last name. Oh, such a naughty reason! 

Like many of us, Ariel was raised to feel ashamed, and also thought she needed to repress her spanking desires. However, she was fortunate to discover the wonderful world of bondage modeling and the adventures of spanking videos! How did she resolve this inner conflict?

She is a published author as well! But you’ll have to join us and listen to find out her book title as well as the book’s unique subject matter. 

Such a fun interview of a brilliant individual!  We were uber excited that Ariel Anderssen agreed to spend an evening with the Spanko! Podcast on her visit over from the U.K. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

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Miss Katherine & Bill

Join us as we talk with dominurtix, Miss Katherine (aka Sweet Mistress Cyn, aka Governess Katherine Worthington), and one of her professional bottoms, Cowboy Bill, at Lone Star 2021. This Dallas/Fort Worth-based professional disciplinarian/adult nanny/Mommy domme and model and producer has a lot to share! 

Where is the most unusual place you have had a spanking scene? Come listen and hear all the fun locations she has recorded. Did she possibly just suggest a spanking at an airport…. 

Wonder if the podcast crew decided to follow up on that……  

Need suggestions for skin care after a spanking? This episode has lots of fun suggestions and tips!

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