Tear drop splashing into puddle

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Spanking & Crying, take 2

Ella and Listener return for Take 2 of our most listened to episode ever!  Join us as we interview them at TASSP for their take and experiences with Spanking & Crying. 

Learn about the five types of emotional crying: 

  1. loss/separation
    1. Grief  
  2. Helplessness/powerlessness 
  3. Physical pain/discomfort 
  4. Empathetic crying 
  5. Positive experience/moving situation 


Dacryphilia – What does it mean and are you one? 

Let’s ponder about what are your responsibilities as a spankee when getting spanked for a transgression?

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Spanking & Crying

Is crying during a spanking an unattainable fantasy?

When the tears come do they flow endlessly?

Does water rolling down your cheeks count as crying?

Should producing tears always be the goal of a spanking?

Is there any truth to the meme that says “a spanking only starts when the tears do?”

In this episode, find out what makes the Spanko! Podcast brats cry, and if Eric relishes in the tears of naughty girls.



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