A phoenix with text reading "Lizzy's Story"




Lizzy’s Story

Hi, I’m Lizzy and… am I a spankoholic? 

Eric and Lizzy discuss labels and how they sometimes don’t fit… and that’s ok!

Lizzy shares her origin story, what it’s like being married to a vanilla, and some fun stories of her adventures in the spanko world. Maybe you can relate to Lizzy’s Story?

Some of you have asked for each of our individual stories. Lizzy was brave enough to be the first to jump in! Perhaps we’ll continue and tell you how each of the other hosts have grown as well. 

Everyone spankos differently. As Eric always quotes, “what’s important is finding out what works for you.”

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The Sound of Spanking

“The Hills Are Alive
With the Sound of Spanking… “

Wait, is that how the song goes?

This holiday classic film inspired Lizzy to come up with a spanking parody from a classic scene from this film… and it’s not what you may expect!

Holiday classic? Really? What about The Sound of Music is holiday-related? Some of us feel it is, and it may surprise you as to why. 

As a holiday treat this year, we have another classic, old-fashioned radio play! So gather around by the fire, crank up your imagination, and join the Spanko! Podcast Players in this episode entitled: The Sound of Spanking!  

If you like this format, or if you don’t, let us know!
Your feedback helps us make the kind of episodes you want to hear!

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GASP 2025

All right, Spankos! GASP 2025 registration is here! It’s been here! So listen up to hear NotSoKnotty and Listener’s invite to join in Atlanta, GA on March 20-24th 2025. 

We’ve seen posts asking about the theme. I would say drumroll… However you’re just going to have to listen and find out. 

Are you ready to be included at GASP 2025? (Because did you know that you’re welcome, whether you’re trans, straight, and or even cisgendered? *GASP*)

They have:

  • blanket forts for Littles 
  • A principal’s office for naughty students 
  • Immersive school events 
  • Spanking Court
  • A dungeon – run by a local BDSM group
  • classes which you can attend to learn and grow
  • And of course all the spanking friends you could possibly hope to meet.

All of this put forth by chaos gremlin spankos as well as type-A organizer tops.

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A cartoon of the US Capitol Building with a comic text bubble stating "Impact Play"

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Impact Play with Mr. Ben

Impact Play!? **Gasp!?** Some Spankos will cringe upon hearing spanking being referred to as “impact play.”

However, do you remember looking up “Spanking” in the dictionary? 

to strike especially on the buttocks with the open hand. 

We are literally having buttocks struck – causing impact – with either the hand or some sort of implement. 

“But it’s spanking! Stop ruining the sanctity of *my* fantasy.”


Join us as Mr. Ben shares with us his knowledge on what we as the Spanko- purist can learn from the BDSM community as far as communication and  consent. 

We can still learn and do better as a community as a whole. We owe ourselves this. A top is allowing themselves to strike another individual – pretty much assault – unless the receiver has consented. 

We hope this episode will leave an impact!

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Emma Leigh

Join our friend Emma Leigh as sits down with us at GASP and shares her spanking origin story:
Playing house, hiding her interest, converting vanilla partners, and ultimately her exploration in domestic discipline. Sound familiar? Don’t worry, this episode is anything but ordinary! 

Emma’s journey leads us down an adventurous rabbit hole of the early days of the internet, common pitfalls or entering the scene, some cringe moments, the importance of therapy, long-distance relationships, and many twists and advice learned along the way.

Have you ever fantasized about your perfect spanking relationship? Did it ever not go exactly as you imagined? See if you have similar reactions as we do to some of the stories Emma Leigh shares on her journey to find her ideal disciplinary relationship. 

However you like your spankings, don’t forget – you are the perfect spanko, just the way you are! Whether you prefer funishment, discipline, spankings just for the sake of being spanked, therapeutic, or sexy spankings, as long as it’s consensual and safe, go be your full self and find your ideal spanking!


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