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Our 4th Anniversary and 100th Episode

WOW can you believe it’s been 4 years?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Come celebrate with us!!
100 episodes and our 4th anniversary!

Reminisce with us on some of our favorite episodes and interviews. Shout outs to some of the people who helped us on this journey. We’ve had so many adventures, and learned so much along the way! Never did we imagine we’d get to this milestone, and it’s all thanks to you! We had no idea the impact we would have on people in the community and your stories and encouragement keep us going. 

Want to know what are the most listened to episodes? We list our top ten most listened to episodes! Let us know what your favorite episode is and what you want to hear from us in the future. 

We have lots more to come! More interviews, more education, more topics, more guests from around the globe, and plenty more of your requests.

It’s been quite the journey so far, and there’s still much to look forward to! And we couldn’t do  it without you, our friends and listeners!

2 thoughts on “Episode 0100 – Our 4th Anniversary

  1. David W (kerrsutherland) says:

    I tried listening on youtube but it seemed like it was one of the raw episodes where there was no sound. Favorite episodes: the two-parter Bonnie episodes because it was such a kick hearing about what the scene was like in yesteryear. While being educated is nice, also like the episodes detailing party events since it’s unlikely I’ll ever be able to attend one unless I win the lottery and it would really be nice to have episodes on anime spanking (Gushing over Magical Girls [maynot be consensual but considering the main character asked for help from the magical girls and they just plain out attacked her, I’m OK with it. Besides, her attacks actually train them for the real threats] & I’m in Love with a Villainess are hands down the best that’s out there).

    • Thanks for letting us know about the YouTube video. We’ll try to get it remedied as soon as possible.

      Excellent choices for favorite episodes. We enjoy talking about our party experiences!

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